For $15, I’d recommend it even if you’re just powering through them, but you’ll get even more play if you’re the type of person who is constantly going back to Legacy of the Void, trying to master each mission on Brutal.The events of StarCraft 2 have come to an end. Playing as Nova and a group of Terrans (my favorite Starcraft race) is fun, given the vast array of tactics at their employ, and the constantly shifting objectives keep things flowing (Dark Skies, the second of the lot, was my favorite). In that sense, it’s a step below the others, but the missions are still on point. Barring a nice little note from the development team, it was disappointing, especially given how much this campaign was hyped as a continuation.

Hell, there’s even a “two people share a smile to cheesy sci-fi music” trope shoved in for good measure.

While I’m glad that there isn’t some major cliffhanger that cheaply leads into Starcraft III (whenever that might be), everything concludes too nicely for the otherwise grimdark Starcraft universe (doubly so if you count a spoilery assassination that happens near the conclusion). That said, higher difficulties can be some of the most challenging tests in StarCraft II, especially when you find yourself sandwiched between factions dealing with multiple kinds of tech. Even if you find the campaign proper overwhelming, you should be able to manage here. Of course there’s still plenty of micromanaging Terran vehicles and units, and there’s strategy involved in figuring out how they counter other Zerg and Protoss archetypes, but it’s on a smaller scale with smaller maps. It’s really just an excuse for Nova, one of the most fun heroes in StarCraft II (with her swordplay and cloaking intact), to kick some ass, and I’m mostly okay with that. I could elaborate but there isn’t that much more to say. The Protoss even make a guest appearance! She doesn’t have a whole lot of time to deal with that though, as the Zerg are mounting a massive assault, and it’s up to Nova and her crew to stop them. As we rejoin Nova in her gaiden series, she’s come to the realization that she’s been used - manipulated by an organization after being awakened from hyper-sleep.